Wednesday 21 December 2011

Real Life Connections to Maximum Ride

Maximum Ride relates to our lives and our world in many ways. I will be explaining three ways it relates to us and the world around us.

One way this book relates to our world is "GMO's" (Genetically Modified Organisms). This relates to the book because max and the flock have been "genetically modified"....they now have wings. In our lives we genetically modify animals and seeds to make them produce a greater yield and become more efficient. We also modify fruit and vegetables to make them ripen faster and taste better.

Here is the definition for a "GMO".... check it out.

Anotherway this book relates to real life is law enforcement....think of our police as the Erasers. They may not be as violent but they still chase and arrest people, just like the Erasers chase and capture Max and the flock. Also our police sometimes are way more violent than they should, this is called "Police Brutality". I think the Erasers are alot more violent than they have to be, just like the police are sometimes.

Here is an informational website on police brutality.

The last way that Maximum Ride relates to our lives is animal and human cruelty. the way that they treat Angel when they are doing tests on her in the lab is horrible. One test they do on her is to see how long it takes for her to get threugh a massive maze. To try and make her run faster they shock her with a shock collar. at one point she just sits down and cries because the pain is so intense. People treat animals this way as well....people use shock collars and choke chains on dogs, people neglect animals and they starve and sometimes die. People will also lock animals in a almost unlivable place.

here is an interesting site about cruelty to animals

I think these are all perfect connections to the novel "Maximum Ride".

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